Belmont Heights Animal Hospital

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Belmont Heights Animal Hospital

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Welcome to Belmont Heights Animal Hospital.

It is a privilege for me to serve the community as the new owner as of September 2020, and I hope to carry on the legacy of providing compassionate and quality care.

I look forward to meeting you and your furry friends.

Dr. Jin An

photo of doctor jin

Our Staff

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Jin An

Owner, Veterinarian

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Dr. Moore

Available for Acupuncture and exotic species consultation

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Dr. Sharon Bruce

Certified Animal Chiropractor

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Jacqueline V


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Lili V

Vet Assistant

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Veterinary Assistant

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Nancy J

CSR, Hospital Manager

Our Service

Neighborhood Faves 2024 award
Wellness Exam

A complete physical examination, which is a nose-to-tail inspection for any abnormalities.


Comprehensive dentistry which involves professional scaling and polishing is done under anesthesia. See "Dentistry" section under "Services" for additional information.


Comprehensive lab tests to evaluate organ function, endocrine disease and infectious disease.


The doctor on duty can perform initial stabilization for your pet(s) and will discuss with you about the transfer process to a 24-hour emergency/specialty facility.


The doctor on duty will discuss if you pet(s) will require a specialty consult with a board-certified surgeon.

Vaccines - Dogs

Rabies, Distemper, Adenovirus-2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus (DA2PP), Bordetella, Canine Influenza Virus Bivalent (H3N2/H3N8), Leptospirosis 4-serovar.

Vaccines - Cats

Cats Rabies, Feline Viral Herpes, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Feline Leukemia.